Chinese Shenyang J-31 On Full Throttle Takeoff

Chinese Shenyang J-31

Chinese Shenyang J-31 On Full Throttle Takeoff
One of the most sophisticated Chinese jet fighter, Shenyang J-31 while on full throttle takeoff. Look at the picture taken by Piotr Butowski, that the thrust are flaming on, a bit air turbulence in the wing, while landing gear systems retracted down into the landing gear bay.

Shenyang J-31 or lately called as Shenyang FC-31 is the second stealth jet fighter aircraft after Chengdu J-20. This one has smaller size than the J-20 which flew about two years ago. The Shenyang FC-31 built to match American fifth generation jet fighter, such as F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning. But some people doubt that its performance can even closer to the American jet fighter.

The Shenyang FC-31 powered by Klimov RD-93, which have been used by famous Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29. The RUssian spokesperson also denied that the only Russia's support is the engine, while aircraft design as well as avionics are totally come from China.
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